DBC Youth

The Derbyshire Baptist Youth Ministry seeks to provide a safe and welcoming place for 6th-12th grade students to get to know God and experience the amazing love and grace of Jesus. Visitors will find our group to be genuine, fun, thoughtful, and very welcoming. Rather than a group of small cliques, our youth group is a family of encouragers who cheer each other on and welcome others warmly.

Sunday Mornings

Youth Sunday School • 9:15 am in the Youth Room
Worship • 10:30 am in the Sanctuary
Current Curriculum:  Feasting on the Word

Gather at 9:15am for a time of sharing praises and prayer requests, followed by a brief lesson by one of our two amazing Sunday School teachers. Be sure to come hungry on the first Sunday of each month as Mrs. Sue provides us with an amazing homecooked breakfast! On Sunday mornings, park in the large parking lot on the west side of the building and come alllll the way down the long hallway to the stairs closest to the church office.

Sunday Evenings

Youth Choir • 4:00 pm in the choir room
Bible Study • 4:45 pm in the Youth Room (Second Floor)

In youth choir, we learn how to sing as part of a choral ensemble as we rehearse repertoire in preparation for leading in worship and for Youth Choir trips. Rehearsals also include learning other musical skills, like handbell ringing, part-singing, and note-reading skills. But before we sing, we always take a few minutes to enjoy a sweet treat and catch up on our week!

Youth Bible Study begins with a relaxed time of hanging out and sharing updates about things we’re feeling excited about and things we might have been struggling with lately. Next, we dive into a time of Bible Study! During this time students are encouraged not to shy away from asking hard questions of their faith as we dig deep into scripture, exploring how God has related to humankind throughout history, and how God is still speaking to and through us even today. Rooted in the belief that we are all created by God and that God has called us “good,” students will learn that they are loved infinitely, just as they are, no ifs, ands or buts about it.

Current Curriculum: Co-lab-orate

*On Sunday evenings, park in the smaller parking lot on the office (east) side of the building and ring the bell to be let in!