Derbyshire Community Garden
In addition to providing a weekly harvest of produce to our neighborhood food pantry at Welborne UMC, the Derbyshire Community Garden offers growing space in one of our 42 raised beds to neighborhood families and individuals. Under the leadership of our Garden Manager, volunteers are invited to assist with watering, weeding, and harvesting in the dedicated food pantry beds. All are invited to be involved in the work of nourishing our neighbors, right here in our own backyard.

Garden Use Policies
The garden is open dawn to dusk, seven days a week.
Children, friends, and family are welcome in the garden. Gardeners are expected to ensure that any guests they invite to the garden also abide by garden policies.
Pets must remain outside of the garden fence.
Crops harvested from the food pantry beds will be donated to the Welbourne food pantry every Monday afternoon.
Donated produce can be put in the donation crate in the shed OR you can let the garden manager (Amanda) know that she may harvest your produce on donation day.
Reserving and Renewing your Plot
We request a donation of $30 dollars for the use of a garden bed, which includes access to water, tools, the seed library, and gardening support.
Plots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please apply for only one plot per household.
Please let us know by Labor Day if you would like to continue using your plot in the Fall and Winter seasons.
Sub-letting of plots is not permitted. Please contact Alice asap if you wish to return your plot.
Click on this link to apply for your plot: Derbyshire Community Garden Application
Plot Maintenance
Our goal is to nurture healthy soil and environment. Chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers are not allowed.
Gardeners are welcome to use tools and seeds from the shed. Please rinse soiled tools and return materials back where you found them.
Gardeners are expected to water their own plots. A water hose will be available for your use.
Weeds must be kept under control.
If a garden bed is not maintained (unwatered, out-of-control weeds, overgrown plants), a notice will be sent to the plot holder. If the plot remains untended after the notice has been sent, we will assume that the plot holder is finished with their plot, and it will given to the next person on the waiting list.
Please keep all walkways clear.
Garden waste that is compostable should be placed in the compost area, located in the back of the garden. Diseased plants should be disposed of in the trash (not the compost bin).
Take all trash and plant debris that you do not compost within your plot to your home, or to a trash collection location.
Simple, non-permanent structures, such as trellises are allowed.
Community Behavior and Non-discrimination
We encourage a welcoming community. Disrespectful or abusive language, harassment, discrimination, illegal activities, activities that endanger others, or destructive behavior (including vandalism and theft) are not permitted, and may result in the immediate loss of all gardening privileges.

Join Us in the Garden!
Lease a raised bed for personal use - Plot applications open in late February each year. You can find a link to the application here when it is open!
Volunteer as an individual or family - During the summer months, sign up to volunteer to water & weed the community garden beds. Click here for watering instructions and to sign up for a date to water.
Community Service - Need community service hours? In addition to weeding and watering, there are always lots of odd jobs that need to be done. Candidates must be able to work independently (or have a parent available to supervise) and be trusted to keep track of their own hours. After we come up with a list of to-do items, your hours can be completed at your convenience.
Scouting Projects - We love to welcome Scouts to the garden for Eagle or Gold projects, and we are happy to help brainstorm ideas. Past scout projects in the garden have included:
Construction of two elevated raised beds, making the garden more accessible for those who are not able to bend down on their knees to garden.
Construction of two “Bug Hotels” to attract pollinators to the garden, in addition to the creation of a book about pollinators.
Group Projects - Have a group who is looking to work together? We’d love to put together a project for you based on the skills and interests of your team.
Contact Alice Cates Clarke for more information and to get plugged in!