About Us
Since 1963, Derbyshire Baptist Church has been a thriving family of faith in the West End of Richmond, VA and a beacon of hope for our community, our state, and our world. Our primary calling and mission is to be the presence of Christ to those we encounter. Our church is founded on what we call the “Koinonia Spirit” - allowing God’s love to flow through us in order to love those around us.

Our Mission And Vision
As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to follow the example of Jesus in all that we do. We are to serve the Kingdom of God here on earth - loving God and loving our neighbors. This is our heritage and our mission. This is what matters most in our life and work as a community of Christian faith.
Our Core Beliefs And Values:
"And all the believers met in one place and shared everything they had." (Acts 2:44)
Community is a strength as well as a tradition at Derbyshire. Whether you describe our community feeling as fellowship, relationships, friends and family, or Koinonia - the union of the faithful with Christ and among themselves, it all boils down to a positive element of our church. We like each other, and we show our care and concern in a variety of ways. That is the good news and an expression of Derbyshire's Vision.
We believe that we do not walk this journey alone and that God's intention and hope for the Christian Church is to celebrate each and every person's story and faith journey.
In the New Testament, God's Kingdom is a worldwide community of faith. We at Derbyshire are stewards of the gift of community that God has bestowed on us. Jesus calls us to draw together as believers for worship, faith development, and fellowship in order to strengthen ourselves for scattered service in God's larger community. To that end, we seek to: deepen community ties within our church; weave a tapestry of relationships among our members and our community for mutual encouragement in life and ministry; and live as good neighbors to our larger region.
Faith Development
"...we must grow up ... into Christ." (Ephesians 4:15-16)
It is our goal as a family of faith to continually ask, "Where are you in your faith today, and how will you seek to be part of challenging yourself to grow and mature?" Christian faith develops at different rates, and everyone is in a different place in their journey, but we must each grow from where we are as well as learn from each other.
We believe that we all need to grow in Christ. This journey of our developing faith needs to be nurtured by the Church - our church.
The Bible equips, empowers, and encourages us to grow continually in our faith and in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Some people come to faith dramatically and in an instant, while others are raised always knowing that God loves them. No matter how we came to be introduced to God, we know that this is only the beginning; salvation is not an end of itself. We all need to grow in Christ.
"Whosoever sows generously will also reap generously..." (2 Corinthians 9:6)
Derbyshire members practice generosity - the willingness to share unselfishly - at incredible levels. Generosity is a deep value for our congregation, and that is an encouraging picture for our future. Biblical stewardship calls us to give our lives and resources with glad hearts and willing hands.
We believe that Christian stewardship is much more than giving money; it is also dedicating our time, energy, and imagination to God.
Jesus calls all followers to reach out and get involved. Every task or project, no matter the size, requires the participation of individuals willing to give of themselves to the work of God's Kingdom. We must offer ourselves to meet the challenge that Christ Jesus presented to us in the living of His life. Maintaining a spirit of generosity is crucial to the servant attitude we strive to uphold.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)
Everything we do and are as Christians is our mission, and this task is directly from God. Missions express faith outwardly and encompass both proclaiming the Good News and caring for people.
We believe that all Christians are called to live out Jesus's Great Commission locally and globally (Matthew 28:19-20). We believe we are called to actively seek where God is calling us to use our individual strengths, as well as our church's strengths, to meet the needs of our community and larger world.
Together we can be witnesses who love and impact our larger community, as well as the farthest reaches of the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). We believe that missions is a lifestyle and that we are changed as we work to serve God by reaching out to others. Our goal is to be proactive, balanced, intentional, focused, and sustainable in our mission efforts.
"...go out into the roads and lanes and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled." (Luke 14:23)
The word "outreach" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for "stretching out." We use the term to express reaching out to others, from all walks of life. Just as we have been welcomed into God's family by and through Jesus, all are welcome here.
We believe that we are called to share our faith clearly, boldly, and expansively. We believe that outreach overlaps and is integrated with everything we do.
The work of only a few is not enough; our goal is for outreach to be bred into the culture of our congregation. This reminds us of where we stand in our responsibilities as Christians - to invite and welcome more into the Kingdom of God.
"...true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth..." (John 4:23)
Worship services often involve a sermon, prayer, scripture, music, and giving. Worship can stretch our souls to new dimensions - with moments of surprise and unpredictability, with experiences full of variety and vigor. Worship is offered solely for the love of God, and with reliance on God's Word to link our historic faith with practical challenges.
We believe that we are called as individuals and as a church to the specific act of religious praise, honor, and devotion directed to God - Father, Son, and Spirit.
Our main goal in worship is to be pleasing to God. In worship we also seek to nourish, provide Christian growth, strengthen faith, and inspire, while being uplifting and challenging to the worshipers.

Our Local and Global Partners
Derbyshire Baptist Church seeks to live out the Koinonia Spirit within our congregation, in our local community, our state, our country, and our world. Derbyshire partners with various organizations and ministries to serve authentically and faithfully in the Kingdom of God.
About Our Logo
The cross in the middle signifies that we are Christ-centered.
Four individuals around the cross, linking arms together, signify that we are bound together in and blessed through rich Christian fellowship.
Four individuals around the cross with wide outstretched arms signify that we are an open, welcoming congregation who reaches into the community where we live and serve.
Multiple colors of the four individuals around the cross represent our personal God-given uniqueness and celebrate the enriching diversity these gifts bring to the larger family of faith.
Our History
Derbyshire Baptist Church has a rich history rooted in the tradition of Virginia Baptists. Through the vision and prayers of Woodland Heights Baptist Church, a new church was planted in the growing West End of Richmond on May 1, 1958. Along with Dr. Perry Mitchell, the first pastor, a faithful group of neighbors began worshiping together in different members’ homes. Their excitement about their new church spread as they invited friends and neighbors alike.
Before long, the Derbyshire Chapel began meeting at the Maybeury School as the church continued to grow and minister to its community. On Easter Sunday, 1964, Derbyshire Baptist Church worshiped together in its new building situated at its current location on 8800 Derbyshire Road with its 295 charter members. Through the years, Derbyshire has remained faithful to its call to minister to and serve our community and to provide a space where all people are welcome to come and worship God.
We have experienced many milestone moments throughout our history, as God has been faithful in leading us through the years. As you gaze at the rich heritage of Derbyshire, it is easy to think that the successes of our ministry through the years are found in building expansions, stewardship campaigns, ministry events that filled the sanctuary, or Christmas programs. But the measure of Derbyshire’s success is found in the relationships we have built with each other. The richness of our history is found in the people whom God has put in our path, who have set an example for us of how to follow Jesus, and who have inspired us to grow in our own faith. May the history of the people of Derbyshire encourage us to remain faithful as we continue to follow in Jesus’s footsteps.