Rev. Steven Thomason

Minister of Music •

Rev. Steven Thomason has served as the Minister of Music at Derbyshire since June of 2023. Previously, he served in churches across North Carolina in full-time and part-time ministry. Steven holds two degrees in Church Music from Campbell University (Bachelor of Music and Master of Arts in Christian Ministry), where he studied Voice and Conducting.

As a minister, Steven believes that music is one of the most powerful mediums through which the Holy Spirit speaks to humankind, and he strives to facilitate holy experiences through worship and ensemble rehearsals every week. He also enjoys meeting new people and connecting even deeper with the people in and around the Derbyshire family.

In his spare time, he likes to listen to audiobooks, eat good food, snuggle his dog (Abby), and spend time with his wife, Anna, hopefully while traveling to new places! Steven also is a Star Wars fan (his favorite character is Chewbacca) and if they ever get another dog, he will be naming it “Chewie!”