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Ash Wednesday Service

Join us for Ash Wednesday service.

Each year at Derbyshire we mark the beginning of the Lenten season with an Ash Wednesday service. This ancient service is practiced throughout the world to call Christians to a period of remembrance and preparation as we follow Jesus on his journey to the cross. Through singing of hymns, a responsive litany, and several readings, we will remember Jesus's temptation in the desert and other key moments at the beginning of his ministry. We will meditate on our own temptations and confess our sins. At the end of the service, we will be marked with ashes, and as the minister recites "ashes to ashes, dust to dust," we will remember, that, like Jesus, we will one day die, and that because of Jesus, we also have the promise of eternal life.

March 5

Wednesday Night Dinner!

March 6

Women’s Evening Bible Study