Welcome to Derbyshire Baptist Church
Loving God and Loving Our Neighbors
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School For All Ages • 9:15 am
Worship Service • 10:30 am
Visit Us
8800 Derbyshire Road, Richmond, VA US 23229
Phone: 804.740.7238

Our Mission and Vision
As members of the Body of Christ we are called to follow the example of Jesus in all that we do. We are to serve the Kingdom of God here on earth - loving God and loving our neighbors. This is our heritage and our mission. This is what matters most in our life and work as a community of Christian faith.
Our Ministries
Come and see how you can connect to our ministries. Come and experience the authentic community. Come and become a part of the family.
Community Garden
Growing a weekly harvest of produce for the Welborne Food Pantry and offering growing space for our neighbors.